
Rate Evaluations


Workers’ compensation experience
  • Lost time – more than seven days lost; average cost $40,5000
  • Frequency – number of claims in experience
  • Severity – amount of medical/indemnity and days lost per claim
  • Base-rated employers – expected loss rate of less than $8,000
  • Experience-rated employers– premium varies with frequency and severity
How are rates calculated?
  • EM = experience modifier
  • Base rating = 1.0
  • Experience rating:
    > Credit rated – less than or equal to .99 (saving money)
    > Penalty rated – greater than or equal to 1.1 (wasting money)
Group Rating

Combining similar employers and experiences equals greater discounts and savings.

Saving money

$55,523 Initial annual premium, EM = 1.10 (penalty rated)

EM = .95 (now credit rated)

  Annual premium the next year
  Net savings in second year
  Group savings (93 percent)
  Premium paid at group EM
  Group Savings
Base-rated employer in group

$7,588 Initial annual premium, EM = 1.00 (base rated)

  Premium at group EM (93 percent)
  Net potential group savings
Drug-Free EZ
  • 25 or fewer employees
  • Up-front discounts
    • Level 1 = 10-percent savings
    • Level 2 = 15-percent savings
    • Level 3 = 20-percent savings
    • 20 percent also possible by meeting claims goals
DFWP and Drug-Free EZ advantages
  • Joining equals a 10-percent minimum premium reduction
  • Grant money available
  • Safer work environment/fewer injuries
Saving with DFWP
Annual premium before discount
DFWP savings (Level 1 = 10 percent)
Final Premium
Net Savings
Safety GRANT$
  • 4-to-1 matching ratio
  • $40,000 from BWC for safety
DFWP Grant
  • 2-to-1 matching ratio
  • $10,000 average grant for training
Transitional Work GRANT$
  • Safe and early return to work
  • Lowers frequency and severity costs
  • Savings continue annually
  • $1,000 to $5,600 grants available
Saving with transitional work
No transitional work
With transitional work
Total Value
Savings =$21,600
Keys to financial management
  • Keep EM less than 1.0
  • Achieve and maintain group rating
  • Join BWC’s premium-savings programs
  • Allow BMSO to assist in managing your claims
“They have an experienced, courteous, and professional staff, and they have helped our company to effectively manage our workers’ compensation claims and control our premium costs.”

–John S. Santisi, President
Phoenix Supermarkets, Inc.